Love on the Spiritual Path

Deborah Ussery Letofsky and Morton Letofosky will be

discussing love on the spiritual path at the Jung Center in Houston. This is a two part lecture series, however each lecture also stands on it’s own. How does love impact and inform our spiritual journey? What does love mean to us? How does it manifest as we learn to discriminate its many forms? We will use these two evenings to explore boundless love and the many ways it touches our consciousness and opens our hearts. We will examine interactively the elements of our consciousness that obscure and obstruct our access to love in our experience, and begin to see how love manifests to deepen our understanding of our true nature. Dates: Tuesdays, January 26th, 2016 and April 26th, 2016 from 7:00pm-8:30pm Visit the Jung Center to register. The cost is $20 ($15 for Jung Center members) per lecture.

Houston Book Study Begins in October

Pat Hayward and Con Rees are presenting a six week book study beginning October 1 to introduce new people to the Diamond Approach.  The study will focus on the first six chapters of Diamond Heart Book One and include discussion, Q&C, and an inquiry exercises.

The study group is limited to new people and to current members of GCDA who are are bringing a newcomer.

Please send the attached flyer to your friends and associates – anyone open and interested in development.


The Courageous Heart: An Introduction to the Diamond Approach

Thursday, June 18 – 7:00 PM— 14414 Overview Drive, Dallas, TX 75254 How can we authentically relate to others? The courageous heart is willing to love regardless of the conditions that are present. Whether a friend, family, or love relationship, the capacity to work with the difficulties that arise in relationship develops over time and involves working with barriers to real relating. When we see what is actually happening between two people and allow it to happen, the relationship potential becomes more real. We can see ourselves and other more as we are than as we want or expect them to be. Your Teacher Mike Boone is a teacher in the Ridhwan School, home of the Diamond Approach, a spiritual teaching devoted to realiz- ing our full human potential. He has been involved in the Diamond Approach since 1981 and teaches in groups

located in Boulder, Houston, and Italy. The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world. In this class, we will discuss the potential for relation- ship and what it means to be a student of this Approach. The presentation will include opportunities for experiential learning, personal inquiry, and group discussion. For Information, Contact: Annette Anderson—call 214-660-4278 or email:  

Sharing Realization

In our journey to realization of the “Authenticity” of what we truly are, we often find that we want this authentic Living Presence to be available to those persons we care about. We find that we are interested in other’s recognition of their Authenticity, their True Nature. this naturally brings in the question of relationship with ourself and other. this interest in relationship is fundamental to human beings. it sparks a curious interest about other and a desire for their happiness and well being. So when we look more closely, we may find that it is not our well being alone that interests us. We could speak of this interest, this curiosity and heartfelt desire as the function of a “flame”. It is a “Flame” that is an aspiration for the Truth of what we authentically are inseparable from the Truth of what others are. So we naturally want to live and be that Truth with ourselves and others. it is truly a living “Flame” that resides in the heart of our living consciousness. As it becomes fired by the heart’s unceasing love of what is true, it ignites our soul’s journey in all aspects of living, whether it be in our own most intimate practices or in relationship with others. It ignites a true wish for all of humanity. We want to explore this aspiration for true relating, for true relationship, from the perspective of the Diamond Approach logos. We hope to ignite and touch that flame in this presentation. Perhaps we can touch this curiosity together and discover the “Flame of the Path” as it relates to relating with other. Your Teachers Morton Letofsky was one of A.H. Almaas’ first students. He is President of the Ridhwan Foundation, Director of the Mid-Region Seminary Program and Senior Lead Teacher for both Hawai’i diamond Approach Group and Gulf Coast Diamond Approach Group. Deborah Ussery was one of A.H. Almaas’ first students. She is the National Director of the ridhwan Seminary Program and Senior Lead Teacher for both Hawai’i diamond Approach Group and Gulf Coast Diamond Approach Group. The Diamond Approach®,

developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world.

Date: April 21, 2015
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Location: 5200 Montrose Boulevard Houston, TX 77006
Fee: $20 ($15 Jung Center members)

Friends and Lovers: An Introduction to the Diamond Approach

“What is it to be a true friend? What are our ideas about being a true friend? And what about being a lover, how is that different from being a true friend? What is it like to be a lover? It has been said that the friend is the true mind and the lover is the true heart. What is the truth in this statement and is it possible to be both at the same time? Come and explore these questions for yourself using the main practice of inquiry in the Diamond Approach.”

The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world. In this class, we will discuss the potential for relationship and what it means to be a student of this Approach. The presentation will include opportunities for experiential learning, personal inquiry, and group discussion.

Your Teacher

Rick Gaines has been a student of Hameed Ali and the Diamond Approach since 1984 and completed thirteen years of teacher training in 1999 to become an ordained teacher of that work. As a member of the teaching staff of the Ridhwan Foundation, he has taught the Diamond Approach to individuals and groups locally, out-of-state and overseas.

Date: December 4, 2014 Time: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Location:

8367 Santa Clara Drive, Dallas TX 75218 Fee: $10 Love Offering Suggested. No one turned away due to lack of funds.


Austin social event – August 3rd

Would you like to know more about the Diamond Approach? If so, attend the social event in

Austin on Sunday the 3rd of August from 3:00-5:00pm. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and talk to some of the folks that are doing the work. For location information, please email Laura:

An Introduction to the Diamond Approach

Thursday, June 12th 2014 at 7:00pm – 8:30pm 8367 Santa Clara Drive, Dallas, TX 75218 $10 Love Offering Suggested (No one turned away due to lack of funds) What is the Diamond Approach? The Diamond Approach is a path of personal awakening to the true nature of reality. By making intimate contact with the truth of your everyday life, you can know the depths of who and what you are. You can learn to invite Being itself to provide you with profound guidance and understanding of your inner journey. You can come home to the still, sweet simplicity while living in today’s complex world. “The human being is a wonderful mystery, the more we know about this mystery the more we realize how little
we know. This only impels us to look further, to explore deeper, and to investigate in newer ways. It is a joy to know our-selves and others, to actualize more of our infinite possibilities, and to extend our humanity to its farthest horizons.” A.H. Almaas, the founder of the Diamond Approach Your Teacher Michael Boone lives in Boulder, Colorado and is an ordained Diamond Approach Teacher. He teaches individuals and groups in the Gulf Coast, Boulder, and Italian groups. He has been studying the Diamond Approach since 1984. The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world. In this introduction, we will discuss the potential for what it means to be a student of this Approach. The presentation will include opportunities for learning, personal inquiry, and group discussion. For Information, Contact Annette Anderson 214-660-4278 or PDF Flyer

The Courageous Heart: An Introduction to the Diamond Approach (Houston)

Thursday, December 5, 2013 7pm-9pm The Jung Center 5200 Montrose Blvd Houston, TX 77006 Fee: $20 ($15 Jung Center members) How can we authentically relate to others? The courageous heart is willing to love regardless of the conditions that are present. Whether a friend, family, or love relationship, the capacity to work with the difficulties that arise in relationship develops over time and involves working with barriers to real relating. When we see what is actually happening between two people and allow it to happen, the relationship potential becomes more real. We can see ourselves and other more as we are than as we want or expect them to be. The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world. In this class, we will discuss the potential for relationship and what it means to be a student of this Approach. The presentation will include opportunities for experiential learning, personal inquiry, and group discussion. Teacher: Mike Boone is a teacher in the Ridhwan School, home of the Diamond Approach, a spiritual teaching devoted to realizing our full human potential. He has been involved in the Diamond Approach since 1981 and teaches in groups located in Boulder, Houston, and Italy. Contact Michael Lassoff at or 713-825-3210 or The Jung Center 713-524-8253 ( Click here to download a PDF of the flyer

Informal Introduction to the Diamond Approach® – Houston

Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:30pm-7pm 1415 Bonnie Brae, Houston, TX 77006 An informal event to welcome people

and give them an opportunity to get introduced to the Work. The meeting will begin with a meditation, and be followed by a personal inquiry-style exploration about some aspect of the Work. After the meditation and discussion, there will be an optional snacks/tea/wine socializing half hour for those who would like to stay for that. The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world. Contact Briana Bassler at or 713-550-6509. Click here for a PDF of the flyer.

Informal Introduction to the Diamond Approach® – Houston

Sunday, October 24, 2013 5:30pm-7pm 1415  Bonnie Brae, Houston, TX 77006

An informal event to welcome people and give them an opportunity to get introduced to the Work. The meeting will begin with a meditation, and be followed by a personal inquiry-style exploration about some aspect of the Work. After the meditation and discussion, there will be an optional snacks/tea/wine socializing half hour for those who would like to stay for that.

The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world.

Contact Briana Bassler at or 713-550-6509.