The Courageous Heart: An Introduction to the Diamond Approach

Thursday, June 18 – 7:00 PM— 14414 Overview Drive, Dallas, TX 75254 How can we authentically relate to others? The courageous heart is willing to love regardless of the conditions that are present. Whether a friend, family, or love relationship, the capacity to work with the difficulties that arise in relationship develops over time and involves working with barriers to real relating. When we see what is actually happening between two people and allow it to happen, the relationship potential becomes more real. We can see ourselves and other more as we are than as we want or expect them to be. Your Teacher Mike Boone is a teacher in the Ridhwan School, home of the Diamond Approach, a spiritual teaching devoted to realiz- ing our full human potential. He has been involved in the Diamond Approach since 1981 and teaches in groups

located in Boulder, Houston, and Italy. The Diamond Approach®, developed by the renowned philosopher and teacher A.H. Almaas is a spiritual teaching taught in groups and to individuals in Texas and around the world. In this class, we will discuss the potential for relation- ship and what it means to be a student of this Approach. The presentation will include opportunities for experiential learning, personal inquiry, and group discussion. For Information, Contact: Annette Anderson—call 214-660-4278 or email: